Sunday, 11 August 2013

Did You Buy A Copy Of The Amazing World Of Alan Class ?

Now those of you who have visited this site will know about the following paperback -a 24pp magazine looking at the work of Alan Class and my interview with him. Hey -I set up the first Alan Class tribute website and yahoo group on the net (and people are still stealing info from it).

Sadly, despite all the "likes" and responses this has sold lousily. I think 3 copies since it was published. The interview is available in The Hooper Interviews book but that's sold like...well, let's just say not many people seem interested in interviews with comic creators! 

I had wondered whether there was some way to expand the book -more illoes - a colour section was out as this would make the book about three times the cover price!  As it is,, the print on demand company I use has become very snooty toward comics over the last few years. It wants to be seen as a wheeler dealer in first time authors. No, they DO NOT pay. Yes, you do all the work and they take a percentage as "middle men".

So, after a price hike a while back which hit the comic publishers, they have now decided "saddle stitching" (ie. -the staples used for smaller page count books) are obsolete to them.

No, seriously.

So, any book under 32 pages is "retired" by them. So you have to add pages to get "perfect bound" books. Over 30 of my books are affected so its a LOT of work on top of everything else.

Looks like the Class book will be retired until I can somehow up-date it.  So, if you have not bought a copy but want to you have a couple weeks. I cannot guarantee any updated version this year or even in 2014.

Well done Still killing the small publisher.

24 pages

Price: £5.00
Ships in 3–5 business days
Marvel, Timely, Atlas, Charlton, ACG, MLJ/Archie Dennis the Menace (US) -one man published them all. Alan Class. Who? Class is legendary for bringing black and white reprints of US comics to a country starved of the medium thanks to a certain war! From 1959-1989 Suspence, Sinister, Astounding and Uncanny gave us a comic fix for a few pennies. Learn more about the man and how Class Comics came about in the long awaited print version of Terry Hooper's exclusive interview!

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